NYPA Renewables
The 2023-24 Enacted State Budget significantly expanded the New York Power Authority’s role in the renewable energy sector. Specifically, the new authority allows NYPA to plan, design, develop, finance, construct, own, operate, maintain and improve renewable energy generation projects to maintain an adequate and reliable supply of electric power and energy and support New York State’s renewable energy goals established in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).
Our NYPA Renewables Strategic Plan describes how the Power Authority will operationalize our renewables work, along with our continued and critical obligations to our existing generation, transmission, customer, and community commitments.
Q: Is there a strategic plan for NYPA Renewables?
A: The first biennial strategic plan for NYPA Renewables was approved by the Board of Trustees on Jan. 28, 2025.
Q: What types of projects will NYPA develop? Where will they be located?
A: NYPA has not yet made any decisions on specific projects it will advance. Proposed projects will be identified in NYPA’s strategic plans and annual updates. NYPA will solicit stakeholder input as part of the development of the strategic plans and annual updates and through an annual conferral process.
NYPA will propose projects based on several considerations, such as:
- The scope of NYPA’s new authority
- The state’s needs
- The goals of projects
- Available resources
We envision NYPA renewable projects falling into one or more of the following categories:
- Renewable energy projects developed to support CLCPA goals.
- Projects to provide and maintain an adequate and reliable energy supply in the state.
- Projects intended to support the REACH program.
- Renewable projects growing out of collaboration with state or local public entities, and eligible private sector entities.
- Energy storage projects.
The projects may be developed:
- In association with NYPA-developed renewable generation projects
- To support other renewable generation projects
- To advance state energy storage goals
- For general grid support
Q: Can I buy renewable energy products from or through NYPA?
A: The entities to whom NYPA can sell renewable energy products from new renewable energy generation projects include:
- Public entities in New York State
- Existing NYPA power customers, including business customers
- Load-serving entities
- Community distributed generation providers, energy aggregators and similar entities for the benefit of subscribers to community distributed generation projects in the state
- Community choice aggregation entities
Under other statutory authority, NYPA can (1) procure renewable energy products from third-party sources for any NYPA power customer, any public entity in New York, and CCA community, and (2) supply market power to eligible entities.
Q: Can NYPA build a renewable energy project for a customer or with a customer?
A: NYPA needs to consider potential collaborations on a case-by-case basis to assess, among other things, whether they would be consistent with NYPA’s legal authority and make financial sense for both parties.
If you are interested in discussing a potential collaboration with NYPA or have ideas on how we may be able to help meet your or the state’s energy goals, we invite you to talk with us about your ideas.
Q: Why has NYPA recently issued an RFI and RFQ surrounding Renewables?
A: We issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to pre-qualify developers and investors for potential collaborations with NYPA on renewable energy projects, like solar photovoltaic, wind, battery storage, green hydrogen, geothermal and renewable-related transmission.
- NYPA drafted the RFQ soon after its Request for Information (“RFI”) was issued in January. The RFI showed us that many entities - large and small - see potential value in working with NYPA. The RFQ sought information about experience and qualifications to show who is qualified to collaborate with us.
- We asked parties to respond to the RFQ by April 19 and received more than 85 responses. NYPA identified and pre-qualified 79 entities for collaborations that could last up to five years.
- Qualified respondents will be able to submit proposals for renewable projects that NYPA pursues during that five-year period.
- 10/08/2024: NYPA Releases Draft Strategic Plan for New Renewable Energy Generation for Public Comment
- 05/21/2024: New York Power Authority Pre-Qualifies 79 Renewable Developers and Investors for Collaboration Opportunities
- 03/12/2024: New York Power Authority Issues RFQ on Renewable Energy Development Opportunities in New York State
- 01/31/2024: NYPA Petitions Public Service Commission to Establish Renewable Energy Access and Community Help Program
- 01/12/2024: New York Power Authority Issues RFI on Renewable Energy Development Opportunities in New York State
- 11/01/2023: New York Power Authority Completes Formal Conferral Listening Sessions with Renewable Energy Stakeholders
- 10/10/2023: Governor Hochul Announces Decarbonizaton Leadership Program to Reduce Carbon Emissions at State Facilities
- 09/15/2023: New York Power Authority Expands Executive Leadership Team to Meet New York’s Bold Energy Goals